Criminal Defense

If you or a loved one has been arrested for the first time, you need to understand the gravity of the situation. If convicted, you may serve a long jail or prison term, pay a fine of hundreds or thousands of dollars, and end up with a permanent criminal record, which can haunt you for the remainder of your life. That is why you must hire a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer to help you either get your charges/penalties reduced or your entire case dismissed.

At White & Iverson, LLC, we offer aggressive and effective legal representation to help our clients avoid serious criminal penalties. Since our firm was founded in 1998, we have helped countless clients who were facing minor and complex criminal cases. Our Decatur criminal defense attorneys can investigate your arrest, collect and analyze evidence, and develop a strong and personalized legal defense to help you obtain the most favorable result inside or outside the courtroom.

Criminal Offenses in Alabama

Our firm helps clients facing various misdemeanor and felony criminal charges throughout Alabama.

Our firm handles the following types of crimes:

In general, misdemeanors are less serious and carry lighter penalties compared to felonies. However, a conviction for a misdemeanor offense is punishable by a jail sentence ranging from three months to one year and fines between $500 and $6,000 (not including court costs). By contrast, a felony conviction can carry a prison term no less than one year and up to 99 years, as well as fines of between $15,000 and $60,000.

Request a Confidential, Same-Day Consultation Today

Not only can a conviction result in spending a long time behind bars and paying costly fines, but also a criminal record that can make obtaining employment, applying for college, finding housing, or living a normal life extremely challenging. Our legal team at White & Iverson, LLC is dedicated to helping you or your loved one avoid conviction and serving harsh penalties.

Remember, an arrest does not automatically lead to a guilty verdict. You still have an opportunity to fight the charges against you with the help of our Decatur criminal defense lawyers. Do not wait to let us get started on your case.


Family Law


Sex Crimes