Drug Crimes

If you or someone you know is under investigation for a drug crime in Morgan County or has already been charged, your first priority should be to bring in an experienced criminal defense attorney. A conviction for a drug crime can result in a lengthy jail or prison sentence and will leave you with a permanent criminal record. Your future in terms of employment, education, housing, and other opportunities can be seriously jeopardized with such a record.

In light of the punishments involved with any Alabama drug offense, we strongly urge you to bring your case to a team that has been recognized as outstanding by the local community. Our team focuses its attention on helping you in your time of need and we take pride in the proven results achieved in our many years of practice.

Drug Crime Penalties in Decatur, AL

Alabama prohibits the possession and other activities of its controlled substances as listed under Alabama Code based on schedules—Schedule I being associated with the highest potential of abuse and no accepted medical use and Schedule V is the least dangerous and doesn’t lead to physical and psychological dependence. Such substances include heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, crack, cannabis, and other narcotics as well as prescription drugs such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, Adderall, and more that have been illegally obtained.

Our firm handles the following types of drug crimes:

  • Simple possession

  • Possession with intent to sell or distribute

  • Drug trafficking

  • Drug manufacturing or cultivation

Possession of Marijuana in Decatur, AL

Although possession of small amounts of marijuana can result in misdemeanor charges, possession of any quantity of any drug other than marijuana can be charged as a felony. A conviction may result in jail or prison time and fines in excess of thousands of dollars.

Misdemeanor Marijuana Penalties include:

  • Up to 1-year in prison.

  • A maximum fine of $6,000.

Felony Marijuana Penalties include:

  • A maximum of 10-years in prison.

  • A maximum fine of $30,000.

In some cases, you may be eligible for diversion programs such as drug court in lieu of other penalties. These situations typically occur with first offenders and involve drug abuse treatment, testing, education, and monitoring for a specified time period.

Experienced DUI Attorney in Decatur, AL

You need to fight back with a strong defense when so much is at stake. At White & Iverson, LLC, you can work with a seasoned legal team that has earned the respect of local Alabamans. These valued clients have contributed to our long success through constant word of mouth referrals.

Your case will get the detailed attention it deserves with the benefit a team approach. We have been practicing criminal defense for more than 20 years and that experience along with our commitment to obtaining optimum results can make a difference in your future and freedom.


Domestic Violence


DUI (Driving Under the Influence)