Child Custody

Child custody disputes are some of the most contentious and difficult of all family law cases heard in Morgan County courts. Many factors will come into play affecting a court’s decision. If you and your child’s other parent cannot agree on a custody arrangement, you will need the services of an experienced family lawyer to help you make a compelling argument before the court.

At White & Iverson, LLC, we have decades of experience both inside and outside the courtroom in handling child custody matters. Our firm will strive to help you fight for the best interests of your child in any custody and visitation case, whether through negotiation, mediation, or before a family court judge. As experienced trial lawyers, we have the legal understanding, skills, and courtroom presence needed to make a strong case on your behalf.

How Is Child Custody Determined in Alabama?

Alabama courts base their custody decisions on multiple factors, but their overriding concern is that children maintain a continuing relationship and spend time with both parents. This holds true in all cases except where contact with a parent would be considered dangerous, as when a history of domestic violence, child abuse, or substance abuse is present.

Various custody arrangements are available to courts based on what it deems to be in the child’s best interests, such as the following:

  • Legal custody which involves the right to make important life decisions concerning the child, such as educational, religious, medical, and other important factors

  • Physical custody which involves where and with whom the child will live

Legal and physical custody can be joint or sole with variations, such as both having legal custody while only one parent has physical custody and other versions. Although joint custody is common, this arrangement does not necessarily translate to equal time-sharing.

Factors that are considered relevant to custody include parental ability to care for a child, physical proximity of parents to one another, age and gender of the child, which parent is most likely to create a stable and nurturing environment, and more. In joint custody arrangements, parenting schedules will need to be created that accommodate the needs of both parents and child.

How White & Iverson, LLC Can Help

The heightened emotions associated with child custody disputes can make it difficult to make the right decisions. That is why having a trusted advocate in your corner to protect your legal and parental rights and to help you navigate this challenging process is essential. Our Decatur child custody attorneys have provided effective legal representation for countless parents throughout Morgan County for more than 20 years.


Child Support

